
Wake up energized


  • Food industry




  • Brand identity

  • Packaging


OPPA is a Tunisian brand of chocolate powder for breakfast. Enriched with vitamins and a great cocoa taste, it provides young and old alike with the energy they need to stay in shape all day long. Losing ground to its competitors and no longer wishing to communicate with the “Looneys Toons” as a mascot, as they no longer speak to the younger generation, Oppa asked SUB about the global overhaul of its brand, its identity and design, as well as the creation of a new mascot.


  • How can we transfer the energy and dynamism of the brand's DNA to its packaging identity?
  • How can we create a new mascot for the brand, one that's proprietary and easily recognizable by our target audience?

Our answer

  • Overhaul the brand by injecting it with contemporary attributes (simplification, no gradations), bringing back roundness for more deliciousness and a dynamic upward movement.
  • Use colors to emerge on the shelves, with a brighter red and yellow, supported by a burst of sunshine.
  • Develop a friendly, accessible mascot based on a Tunisian animal not used in the market: the mongoose.